Friday, May 11, 2012

Make Windows 7 Faster - How You Can Do It at Home For Cheap

Some straightforward and -not so straightforward ways; to make Windows 7 faster

1. Clean up your desktop by using folders and placing your icons in those folders. Develop them according to type and store in your "Documents" briefcase or any other briefcase that is appropriate. I try to have nothing but my trashcan on my desktop. I open all documents from the start menu and the "Documents" briefcase where they reside. This also keeps me reminded about where these docs are stored production them easier to find when I need to transfer files.

Ddr2 Ddr3

2. Keep your Start Menu Clean. I have only 5 or 6 items on the start menu bar. You can limit this by right clicking the start menu tab or the bottom taskbar and adjusting the settings there. One of the options should be "start-menu", this is where you would make these changes. Basically, keep it clean and your Pc will like you a lot better.

3. If your Pc is older or has not been cleaned up in a while try running a "disk cleanup" in your control panel. You can also passage this by right clicking on the "computer" icon within the start menu. In properties you should have a "disk cleanup" option. Click it and consequent the instructions. Just be just what you allow it to delete.

4. Upgrade from a 32 bit Os to a 64 bit Os. This may seem like too much work to some but I upgraded recently and I think it made a noticeable difference. Now I also upgraded from 3Gb to 4Gb of Ram at the same time so that may have been the great part of the jump in speed. Remember that a 32 bit operating ideas is tiny to 3.275Gb of Ram. So in order to use all 4Gb of memory you will need to upgrade to a 64 bit Os anyway.

5. Upgrade the Ram. As noted in #4 above you will need to up-grade to a 64 bit Os to reap the rewards of 4Gb of Ram. I have to say that I think everything runs smoother now that I have Win 64 bit and 4Gb of Ram, and arguably it should run better. Worried about swapping out your Ram? Don't be, its easy. Just Google it and find a video. It admittedly is simple.

6. You can turn the affects and video execution of your video card settings; this can help in some situations. Or buy an external video card. This will relax your on-board graphics card, Cpu, and Ram from using resources to perform your video processing.

7. Overclock your Cpu and Ram. This is an developed user way to jump the execution of your Pc, but it does work very well. The problem is that you must have hardware that supports doing it and you need to be able to keep heat from destroying your components. Also, most motherboards supplied with store-bought Pc's have no overclocking functions. This is an aftermarket speculation for most. But if you want to try it read about overclocking your Cpu on the crusade engines and learn more.

8. Setup a Solid State Hard drive. These things make huge discrepancy to your boot up times and help a Pc work considerably faster.

9. Before you start buying new components though (especially the pricier ones) make sure you conjecture the costs. Sometimes it may be great to just upgrade to a new computer instead of sinking money into an old problem.

The new Ram out now is Ddr3 and the prices are dropping fast. This is probably going to be the most foremost factor of whether someone will upgrade what they have or just buy a new Pc. The cost of Ddr2 is advent up; the cost of Ddr3 is going down. Motherboards are exclusive to whether type of Ram so if you go with the most recent technology of Ram you will have to get a new motherboard too. This may mean that buying a new Pc is the great way to go long term.

These are some of the great ways to get more execution from your Pc. The latter items are more difficult to implement than the first few but all of them are reasonably simple. I learned how to do overclocking in about 2 hours of research. Of policy there is a lot of trial and error involved but even the pros will tell you to just learn all you can and then get your hands dirty.

So, go get your hands dirty!

Make Windows 7 Faster - How You Can Do It at Home For Cheap

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